About Blogging | Think Pieces


What is a blog? In the most general terms possibly, a blog is iterative discourse distributed electronically through a website. For many classes, a blog can be a reflective space to respond to readings or a collaborative space to coordinate and document group effort.

Once a week, generally on Mondays, I will evaluate one of your blog entries, Discussion Questions, or Think Pieces. I would like you to respond every week to the post of at least one of your peers. The blogs about our course reading should be analytic engagements with the reading. Read closely. Use textual evidence.

Blog entries should stand on their own as much as possible, so you shouldn’t assume that the person reading your blog is familiar with what you have read or what you have written previously.

You should write in a way that demonstrates an awareness of other students’ blogging and provide links to relevant blog entries when appropriate. So, if someone else has already written about a text you want to write about, make sure your blog entry refers back to that first one.

They should be about 500 (no more than 1000) words — “long enough” to demonstrate sufficient engagement with your topic.


Extra Credit. You may post additional Think Pieces for extra credit (no more than one per week). Content should relate in some way to the course reading and themes, as well as add to the class discussion. Successful posts may focus on one of the following: on an image (any visual text), a piece of music, a literary text beyond the course syllabus, and a news item (can appears in any media print or electronic).


When you draft a blog entry, your goal should be to include each of the following items:

  • An interesting, unique title
  • At least one image, properly labeled and documented
  • Links, both internal and external
  • Something that I didn’t know before I read your blog entry
  • Please SIGN and TAG your post.

Finally, just remember that these blogs may go out into the “real world” of the Internet. We will discuss and decide together how public this site will be. Attracting outside readers and receiving comments from them is a good thing. If you do get comments or questions on your blog entries, make sure you respond. Sometimes the best role for a blog entry is to be the start a conversation.



Your blog entries are graded via weekly checkpoints. For each checkpoint where you wish to receive a grade, submit your best, ungraded blog entry by pasting its URL into Sakai.

Make sure you are familiar with the full details and description of the blogging assignment (see above).

Blogging Rubric

5/5 Engagement: Does the blog entry demonstrate a full engagement with the class? Is it of reasonable length to express that engagement? (Generally speaking, 350 words is a good target).
5/5 Novelty: Does the blog entry introduce something specific and new to the class’s conversation?
5/5 Clarity: Is the blog entry written in effective, appropriate prose?
4/4 Context: Does the blog entry demonstrate an awareness of its audience and the context in which it is written? For example, if the blog entry mentions a topic already discussed in an another student’s blog, does this blog entry respond to that earlier blog in any way?
5/5 Detail: Is the blog entry posted correctly? Do links work? Are images present and appropriately documented?
1/1 Comments: Are you commenting on other students’ posts? Do you do so insightfully and respectfully?



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One thought on “About Blogging | Think Pieces

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O33ZHw9b0F4

    Benito Cereno The Ultimate Capture
    Katie Ennis

    This short film on Benito Cereno captures the scene of the uprising of the slaves aboard the San Dominick. The video gives great visuals of the whole dramatic circumstance, which I found humorous to watch. When reading about the upheaval there was so much confusion going on with Cereno getting his life spared and the San Dominick’s white crew being massacred that to watch a video that is so light was great. I enjoyed watching the Bachelors Delight ship and the San Dominick slowly come across one another on the screen and then having all hell break loose. Often when reading ones own visuals differ greatly with another’s and this You tube video was a great example of that.

    Compared to the massive attack that visually played out in my mind when reading this video was delightful. Although the characters featured are Legos and there are hands that can be scene and the quality of the tape was not perfect, I loved the fact that these guys made an assignment that was so light hearted on such a traumatic topic. About 42 seconds into the video you can see Babo and Delano scoping out the other ship which is steadily making its way over to the Bachelors Delight. The scene moves quickly as Delano jumps ship and begins his quiet takeover. Although there is not an actual battle scene in the video it is clear what was going on. The use of quotes in the video is not exact to that in the novel but the imagination that was used to put this video together was fantastic. Anyone who read the novel would understand the two scenes are being combined. First being the ambush of the San Dominick and the second being the conversation that takes place after. The music that was featured throughout this video was great and entertaining. With every new situation comes a new chord just to keep the viewer in tune and keep pace as Melville did with the use of his words.

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